Francouzská legenda Elend letos oslaví 25 let od vydání svého debutového alba a představí se po desetileté pauze s novým materiálem. Kapela navázala na spolupráci s Norma Evangelium Diaboli, kteří již dříve vydali re-edice „The Umbersun“ a „A World in Their Screams“ a kromě nových nahrávek se dočkáme i re-edice prvních třech desek nebo merchandise. Slovy ansámblu:
We wish you the best for the turn of the year and hope 2019 will see your desires and endeavours fulfilled.
For those of us who were born long enough ago to live through more promising times, the turning year does not bode well for the state of the world. We are in no position to offer a remedy for today’s ills – all an artist can do is propose alternatives, critical commentary, a counter world. It is up to the public to make the best of whatever it wants to see in it.
The new year marks the 25th anniversary of the release of ELEND’s debut album – but more importantly, it will also bring ELEND back with new musical material after a 10-year hiatus.
A rather busy release schedule lies ahead in 2019-2020: in addition to new releases, reissues of the ELEND back catalogue (the first 3 recordings originally released by HOLY RECORDS in the 1990s, whose rights are now owned by ELEND) are also on the way, along with new official merchandising, the first since 2008.
To this end, we will resume the collaboration with our license partner NOEVDIA, initiated with the anniversary reissue of “The Umbersun”. All forthcoming material (CD, LP, digital, merchandising) will thus be available through NOEVDIA.
Best regards,
I.H. & R.T., ELEND