The Axis of Perdition

An Axis of Perdition: reaktivace

Anglický kult industrialem nasáklého hnusometalu se vrací škodit s novým materiálem. Mocnosti zašlých, opuštěných míst, kam nikdo nikdy raději nechodí, se s dalšími detaily dosud nesvěřily, snad jen že jméno Osy nebude opatřeno nultým, ani určitým členem, jak tomu bylo v minulosti, nýbrž neurčitým. An Axis of Perdition.

Buono estente, meaties!

Against the better judgement of less damaged minds, we have re-congealed and are positively gravid with horrible new material as we speak. Because we’re awkward, in this reconfiguration we will be operating as An Axis Of Perdition, for incoherent reasons of our own – put that in your Metal Archives and smoke it.

The Axis of Perdition

As per our usual modus operandi we will be continuing to look for new recipes with which to nauseate and dismay your sensitive earholes; we intend no mechanically recovered rehashes of the spoiled leavings of previous years, with the usual caveat that we reserve the right to be flagrantly disingenuous about this if the fancy takes us.

Further detail to emerge in time.

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